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Posted on Friday, April 30, 2010 | 0 comments
BLOOD DIAMOND IN ROLPAMore often that not,when one thinks about Rolpa,one cannot help but associate this western hilly district with image of bloodshed,army cantonments,poverty and under development.It is,after all,the cradle of political revolution, where Nepal's decade - long civil war started,with the maoists attacking Holeri's police station on 13 febraury 1996.Later in 2002,a major battle was fought between maoist guerillas and the army at Lisne Lekh near Rolpa-Pyuthan border.The war claimed the lives of more than 700 locals,making Rolpa one of the area with the highes death and casualty rate.Many civilians were also force to abendon their homes in times of BLOOD DIAMOND IN ROLPAviolence,rendering themselves as initially displace persons living on the margins.But aside from the painful past,few are aware that Rolpa also home to scenic views and sies of religious worship.
The gaeway point to Rolpa os Holeri in the southwest and the road that goes into this hill town is a winding journey from Dang which takes about a day.The first seight that greets you are small lodges and tea houses that line the slopes and on the opposite side of the road,a large pile of empty thinner cans glinting in the sun like a hill of silver.As you make your way deeper into the town,the main road narrows and splits into the side paths leading to the health post,school and is simple and rustic,with most people engaging in agriculture or metalwork.the only traffic that one sees is the occasional tractors delivering raw materials and goods from neighboring district.If you are keen to scale BLOOD DIAMOND IN ROLPAgreater height and have a better view of lush hills and greenery,trek up the Rungkot Gadlekh mountain.Standing at the height of 2400m,it offers a majestic panorama of more than half the district of Nepal,including the himalian rannges.
At the end the most valuable gift to take away from visiting Rolpa is not just memories and the pictures, but the staunch resolution that never again should Nepalis relive days of violence and unrest.


Posted on Thursday, April 29, 2010 | 0 comments
FRONT OFFICE DEPARTMENTFront Office Department is the first department noticed by the guest whenever they enter into the hotel.This department is responsible for sale of the hotel rooms through the systematic method of reservation.Front Office is the only department, which has got first and last point contact with every guest in the hotel.The main responsibilities of the Front Office department is to reserve, receive, register and assign rooms to the guest and act as a continious source of information to them during their stay in the hotel.
In Front Office Department there are other Sub-Department.They are as below:
• Telephone Operator
• Reservation Section
• Information Section
• Front office cashier
• Reception
• Front Office Manager's office
• Lobby Manager's Desk
• Bell Desk


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A Restaurent is a commercial establishment commited to the sale of food and beverage.A restaurent may be licenced part of a hotel operation, whereby the sale of restaurent products contibute to the sale performance of a hotel as a whole.Restaurent may also be independent business entities under individual owenership and management.Restaurent is equiped with crockery,cutlery and linens which may vary in quality according to the standard of the restaurent.

• Coffee Shop
• Continental Restaurent
• Speciality Restaurent
• Grill Room
• Snack Bar
• Milk Bar
• Night Club
• Multi Cuisine Restaurent
• Barbecue Restaurent
• Cafeteria


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Hotel is define by british law as "A llace where a bonafied traveller can receive food and shelter, provided he is in a position to pay for it and is in a fit condition to be received."Hence a hotel must provided food and lodging to traveller, on payment and has in turn, the right to refuse if the traveller is drunk, disorderly,unkempt or is not in the position to pay for the service.
The Hotel industry is perhaps one of the oldest commercial and eavours in the world.The first inns go back to the sixth century b.c.The earliest inns were ventures by the husband and wife teams,who provided large halls for the travellers to make their own beds and sleep on the floor.
The advent of the industrial rovolution in england brought ideas and progess in the business of innkeeping.The lead in the hotelkeeping was taken by the emerging nation of europe, especially switzerland.
The real growth of the modern hotel industry took place in USA beginning with the opening of CITY HOTEL in new york in 1794.
• Downtownhotel saroz
• Resort
• Motel
• Tranist Hotel
• Suburbian Hotel
• Small Hotel (1 - 25 Rooms)
• Medium Hotel (25 - 100 Rooms)
• Big Hotel (100 - 300 Rooms)
• very Big / Large Hotel (Above 300 Rooms)


Posted on | 2 comments

The band Aastha had been established before seven years ago.Two frends, NAREN LIMBU From Dharan and SUDIP GURUNG from Illam met at kathmandu academy,and started fooling around music.Along with this Aastha was formed.They sing simple songs of love, heartbreak and tragedy.Their first music album named Aastha came out in 2003.At that time their song HARPAL become popular.this is the song that made them popular among the audience.
After that there is a great change.Sudip left for UK and release his own album.But Naren came out with 3 solo album under the Aastha banner and made a directoral debut with his video TIMI AUNU.
In 2008, five years after the debut album,Naren and Sudip for the first time,gave a concert together performing in Kathmandu, Dharan and Pokhara.Again when it is possible, they would like to work together.
